Sunday, October 2, 2011

Stop believe what you see. Start analize.

Stop believe what you see. Start analize.

Gue pernah nge-twit kalimat ini. Gue gak ngarang sendiri, tapi gue gak inget baca dari mana.
And I do believe with that sentence. Kebanyakan orang saat ini (which means gak semua) langsung menelan mentah-mentah apa yang dia lihat. Langsung saja memercayainya tanpa menganalisa terlebih dahulu.
Tampaknya memang pilihan untuk langsung menerima bulat-bulat semua informasi yang beredar lebih mudah ketimbang mesti repot-repot berpikir.
Tahu sendiri kan, zaman sekarang semua orang suka yang instan. Gak pakai repot.

Gue sendiri sebenarnya juga termasuk tipe yang ini, yang gue sebutin di atas tadi.
Bedanya, gue percaya bukan karena gue malas berpikir. Gila aja kalau mikir aja gue males, terus otak ini buat apa coba kalau bukan buat mikir, ya gak?
Itu semua lebih disebabkan gue termasuk orang yang mudah percaya, sedikit. Gue gak terlalu yakin juga sih kalau gue orangnya gampang percayaan, makanya gue masih nulis pembelaan barusan.
Gue orang yang ‘sedikit’ mudah percaya sama orang. Tapi bukan berarti gue mudah ditipu. Kalau dipikir-pikir kalimat gue barusan itu kontradiktif ya?

Back to main topic, gue mau kasih contoh simpel aja. Seperti kasus Nazarudin kemarin.
Gue termasuk orang yang termakan kata-kata Nazarudin sewaktu masih di luar negeri. Tiba-tiba gue percaya kalau ketua partai berinisial A itu persis seperti yang dikatakan Nazarudin. Dan anggota keluarga gue pun kompak ikutan percaya.
Mungkin karena satu gen kali ya, jadi sifat di keluarga gue kurang lebih sama lah.
Padahal sampai sekarang pun, ucapan Nazarudin itu belum ada yang bisa dibuktikan. See? Gue gampang percaya kan? Tepatnya sih gue bukan percaya pada apa yang dikatakan Nazarudin, tapi oleh kata-kata yang diucapkan oleh para pengamat politik yang sekarang makin bebas menyampaikan pikirannya di media.
Wuih, mantep ya media sekarang. Mau ngomong apa aja bebas.
Kebebasan media berkomentar ini yang punya pengaruh besar buat orang-orang seperti gue.
Belum lagi makin marak acara semacam talkshow antara para wakil rakyat dengan perkumpulan pengacara. Pasti pada tau lah acara ini. Gue termasuk orang yang mengikuti acara ini sebelumnya.
Seru sih awalnya, tapi kok lama-lama nonton acara ini jadi boring juga. Sang wakil rakyat terus saja memberi pembelaan, yang kadang suka tidak masuk akal.
Sementara sisi pengacara selalu mencari celah untuk membuat sang wakil rakyat skak-mat. Intinya sih, salah-salahan. Masing-masing pihak mencari mana yang salah.
Loh? Terus penyelesaiannya mana? Mereka kan orang-orang yang ‘cukup’ ahli dibidangnya. Masyarakat gak butuh adu bacot kalian. Kita butuh solusi. Period.

Well, kalau gue analisa sih. Gue termasuk mudah percaya terhadap sesuatu kalau gue tidak begitu paham dengan bidang tersebut. Beda jika gue diberi pendapat tentang sesuatu yang bidangnya gue kuasai, gue akan mempertahankan mati-matian apa yang gue percaya sebelumnya sejauh gue punya dasar terpercaya yang bisa dijadikan tumpuan argumen gue.
Dan pada contoh yang gue sebutkan di atas; yaitu politik, jelas gue gak punya dasar apapun tentang politik. Sama sekali buta. Sama seperti masyarakat biasa di luar sana yang mudah percaya terhadap berita-berita yang beredar.
Kita tidak tahu mana yang benar mana yang salah. Mana yang bisa dipercaya mana yang tidak.

But hey! Sekarang masyarakat sudah pintar kok. Jauh lebih pintar.
Di awal tulisan ini gue bilang banyak yang masih suka menelan mentah-mentah apa yang mereke lihat dan dengar. Tetapi orang yang tidak langsung percaya dan menganalisa terlebih dahulu informasi yang diterimanya itu jauh lebih banyak!
Sama seperti dengan membaca tulisan ini, harus dianalisa terlebih dahulu benar atau tidaknya. Jangan langsung percaya ya. J


Ps: Aduh gue rasa keyboard gue jalan sendiri. Kalau kata-kata gue ada yg salah maap-maap aja ya. And so sorry this post i made in bahasa. Muahaaahaa :p

Friday, September 16, 2011

Giveaway giveaway

Hoaaaa this is the first time I attended giveaway. :)
Define Your Up! Held by Clara Devi :))

Oh Gosh... it just like a dream. I really really want UP Shoes by Diana Rikasari... >.<
You can join this giveaway too and win a pair of your favorite UP Shoes! How lovely... <3

Which Up are you?
I choose Tree Brown! I just loooveee the color and the ultra-simple design. ♥ ♥ ♥ I'm imagining Tree Brown in my feet now. I'm serious. ;)
It's too good to be true :') ♥

Go visit read and follow the term and condition.
Goodluck! :D

Ps: Pic from and

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Things I love

These are two novels that i bought last week. I've read it twice. Uh-oh. xD
Love love love.

Monday, September 12, 2011


In mom's office...

unbranded shirt, hijab, and inner tee, dust denim, Yongki Komaladi wedges

Anywaaaay..... The most super boring aktivities in this world is..... WAITING.
But thank God (in Bahasa you can spell 'Alhamdulillah yah') I got this mantra. I got it from my favorite novels I recently bought. Ranah 3 Warna--which is the continuation of novel Negeri 5 Menara (by A.Fuadi) the one of National Best Seller novel in Indonesia.

The mantra is...
Man Jadda Wa Jadda... the one who meant it (i mean 'sungguh-sungguh') definitely be succes.

Man Shabara Zhafira... the one who be patient definitely be lucky.

Insya Allah.

If you've done all the requirements to be succeed but you have not got what you want/dream of...
Thats the time to surrender to God and let the universe works.

Man Shabara Zhafira....... :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fresh Graduate

THANK YOU ALL! Especially for all of my family and friends. For the prayer and support. Thank you thank you thank you... :* <3

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Steal the time

I don't know why...
Why i was so clumsy and careless.
How many times i change the content of my thesis after the binding, and even change the cover!
Ohh Gosh.... Why oh why...

vintage lace hijab, unbranded shirt as inner, unbranded black dress, ako denim

Sidang 1,
Nonetheless... I have to face you.


Allah will always with you firda! Keep fight and pray.... :)

and also for my LASKAC. Tetap semangaaaaaaaat!!!! :D

Friday, June 10, 2011


More expert... with Hana Tajima's hijab style..
My friends told me that i look good with this hijab style. :))
What do you think?

I looooooooooveeeeeeeee it! :*

and this is what i wore today to go to campus:
Unbranded hijab and inner tee, vintage shirt, 3co denim


Hehe, I just tried Hana Tajima hijab style...
hmmm... is it look good on me?

ps: I capture this from my twitter account, the original file still in my notebook. I'm just lazy to move it to my computer. So... ignore that X botton in my pic yaaa... ;)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Random things

Going to nowhere for today,
so I walk around my home.

Tidy up my bed

go to the kitchen to get some meals…

Passed indoor garden before arrive to dinning room.

got some tissue to cleaning my hand.

yeah! no traffic jam for today.

Feel peace… like in villages.

Fresh air,  there’s so many bird in the sky...

I wanna be free like a bird…

A bird must be not thinking about thesis…

I need holiday…

Or some games to wash my brain…

Ahhhh… I miss my childhood,

I miss being teenagers 


oh no, I miss them. Ok, i'll go to campus tommorow...

Friday, May 27, 2011


I know i've been such a bad blogger. I'm sorry for my hiatus. Last two weeks was my last exam in my last semester. Very severe weeks *sigh*. I tried do my best, though what i do yet the best that i could. Yeah i've tried and now it's time to pray. This time i can have all of my time for my thesis. :) *i still couldn't found best word to describe 'Tugas Akhir' in English. Because in Indonesia, the word 'thesis' is describe for postgraduate college student*

By the way, last Wednesday i got my TOEFL score from my TOEFL test couple weeks ago. Alhamdulillah..... my score is 523. Once again, Alhamdulillaaaaahhh... :) Thank you my blog, indirectly i practice my english through this blog for sure. Hehehe

And.... today actually i must go to campus, but for several reasons i didn't. So i not trully wear these clothes today, but absolutely will wore these in another opportunity. :D Yaay....
Umm... sorry for the lack quality of pictures. I hope soon i can buy good camera so i could serve you good pictures for this blog. Aaamiiiiin. ;)

Flowery shawl worn as hijab, mom's blazer, trouser and bag, unbranded white tee, Charles & Keith pump heels.

mom's vintages blazer, trouser, and bag. Ohh, call me genius.

Look at my inner shawl, trouser, and bag. That color perfectly match.
my new Charles & Keith shoes. :D Gosh, i heart this brand so much.

my treasure. Mom's vintage bag.

PS: Please ignore about my messy room, -_-

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I wanna post my look today, actually... But the photos are still in memory card of my camera. I'll move them tomorow okay? :D

By the why, today it such a loooooooooong day, but very pleasant because I went with my beloved family. :*
I'm so tired, would better if I go sleep right now. *yawn*

This is my look today
Unbranded shawl, dress bought in JakCloth festival, mom's vintage belt, 3scnd denim, Charles & Keith pump heels

This pic taken by my Dad, in my Mom's office. hihihi


Saturday, May 7, 2011


Do you brave to be different?

Yes, I do.

Unbranded hijab, belt, and t-shirt, DIY zipper crop jacket, Mom's skirt, Gaudi leeging, Noche shoes

my beautifull friends IisdillaAri Endah, and Eva. Check out their blogs! :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bad feelings

You know, very bad to know that you just hurt someone you heart. This is the worst feeling i ever felt.

I heart LASKAC *my classmates* so damn much. I loooooveeeeeeee them more than i can say and express. Their like my second family.

I apologize to everyone that ever hurt by the word i ever said. Sometimes accidentaly i just put 'weird word' to express something, and it just happened, randomly. Now i know why many people said, "think before talk". Yayaya i realize thats really needed.

Please forgive me people.... I really don't like this bad feelings. It's guilty.

Quick update

Just quick update...

A little photo shoot today with Eva and Novita. :D

Yihaaaa.... These what i wore today. :*
unbranded shawl as hijab, belt, and shoes, vintage top, Dust denim

*Photos by Ari Endah, edited by me

and these what i wore yesterday...

Unbranded hijab, t-shirt, and belt, Dust denim, Vintage Cardigan

Friday, April 29, 2011


This last semester really made me insane. A lot of asssignment.... Tugas Akhir..... *what do you call it? Thesis?*
I even didn't have time to think about other things.

Monday, April 25, 2011

DIY zipper crop blazer/jacket

Hei fellows! As I have told you that I will post about my DIY stuff that I made last three days, and this is it! I'll give you a little tutorial which will be explained by the picture. :D

I think, how to make it not so dificult but you needs more accuracy and little patience. *for beginner like me*
First, let me state that actually i'm not really good in sewing. Hahaha, ;p
But you know, it would be my precious..... ;)

DIY zipper cropped blazer/jacket

All that you need :

and you gonna have to do these...
click to larger and read

And... this is my look today wore my new cropped blazer.. or jacket? Hmm...

Unbranded hijab and shirt, DIY zipper crop jacked, 3second denim

Do you like it? Let me know! :D